

Never mind high-pressure peace talks that fail amid the looming threat of wrestling or ping-pong diplomacy instead.战争威胁步步逼近,多重压力下的和平谈判以失败告终——没关系,不妨试试“摔跤外交”或“乒乓外交”吧!

In January 2018,North Korean and South Korean officials sat down for high-level talks to discuss the North’s participation in the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in South historic talks were seen as a clear sign of thawing tensions between the two month later,North and South Korean athletes paraded together at the opening ceremony of Pyeongchang Winter Games.It is the first time in postwar Olympic history that a country has hosted a team from a nation with which it is officially at were cautiously optimistic about whether it would lead to better political relations.


2 Here are several examples of sports diplomacy success stories:

2 下面我们就来看看几个体育外交的成功先例:

Ping-pong diplomacy


3 In the 1970s,the Cold War was even icier than the Winter a Chinese ping-pong player’s chance meeting with an American player on a bus got the ball rolling1get the ball rolling 开始;启动。for formal Chinese-US diplomatic ties.

320 世纪70年代,“冷战”格局下的国际政治氛围甚至比冬奥会期间的气温还让人感到寒冷,而一位中国乒乓球运动员和一位美国运动员在大巴车上的偶然相遇却启动了中美建立正式外交关系的进程。

4 It started at a 1971 tournament in teenager Glenn Cowan missed his team’s bus and hopped on the Chinese team’s bus instead.

4 事情发生在1971年日本举办的世界乒乓球锦标赛期间。美国少年运动员格伦·科恩因为错过自己国家队的大巴,就上了中国队的大巴。

5 After much hesitation,Chinese player Zhuang struck up a conversation through a translator—a brave act,given the political constraints of the time.

5 车上有位叫庄则栋的中国运动员,一番犹豫后,还是主动上前,在翻译人员的帮助下,和科恩聊了起来。鉴于那时候政治上的限制,庄则栋主动和美国人说话,可以算是非常勇敢的举动了。

6 “We were all tense,”Zhuang told CNN in 2008.“Our team had been advised not to speak to Americans,not to shake their hands,and not to exchange gifts with them.

“I looked at him,thinking,‘he is not the one who makes national policies,he is just an athlete,an ordinary American.’”

6 “当时车上所有人都很紧张。”庄则栋2008年接受美国有线电视新闻网采访时说,“中国运动员们先前受到告诫,不要和美国人说话,不要和他们握手,不要和他们交换礼物。


7 Zhuang gave the long-haired American a silk brocade2brocade 织锦缎;(尤指用金银线织出凸纹的)厚织物。as a gift.The next day,Cowan gave him a T-shirt with a peace sign and the words“LET IT BE3Let It Be是英国甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles)的一首歌曲,由保罗·麦卡特尼填词作曲并演唱,收录在乐队同名专辑中,该专辑也是乐队最后一张录音室专辑(1970年5月8日发行)。.”

7 庄则栋把一条丝绸织锦作为礼物赠与这位长发美国人,第二天,科恩送给了庄则栋一件印有和平标志和LET IT BE字样的T 恤。

8 Photos of their encounter were widely before long,Chairman Mao Zedong invited the US team to visit and play friendly matches in China.

The next year,US President Richard Nixon visited China—ultimately leading to the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 1979.

8 一时间,媒体上到处是他们的合影照片。不久后,毛主席便邀请美国乒乓球队到中国进行友谊比赛。


Pin-down diplomacy


9 Similar to ping-pong diplomacy,“pin-down diplomacy”between US and Iranian wrestlers“has been instrumental in changing perceptions about Iranian and American society,and building bridges between sports communities and ordinary citizens,”the think-tank Atlantic Council said.

